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How to Feng Shui Your Yard for Maximum Curb Appeal

It’s been said that using the principles of feng shui can make a home hum with harmony.

But while you might consider this ancient Chinese philosophy as a way to improve your interiors, you might not realize that it also can be directed toward your home’s exterior and can even help entice potential buyers.

Here, discusses seven spots to focus on when it comes to your house’s curb appeal, along with the feng shui reasoning behind each.

1. Front door

A focus on the entryway is key because this spot is the main portal for energy to enter your home. First, if your entrance can’t be easily found from the street, try to figure out why (you might need to get bigger house numbers or trim back some bushes).

Second, paint the front door red to attract the eye. And don’t forget about the walkway or sidewalk that leads to your home. Both should be in good repair because, like a flowing river, they bring beneficial energy to the house.

2. Plants and flowers

Some of the old tricks used to boost your curb appeal include the addition of lush plantings, blooms and colorful trees to your yard and front stoop. But following these tips does more than make things pretty.

According to experts, flowers are the yang—or positive—expression of a plant, which indicates its health and confers it to the home. In fact, if you focused on feng shui only outside of your home, it would be enough to raise your house’s overall energy and bring in growth and vitality.

Not the season for planting where you live? Try planting bushes and grasses out front, with seasonal color in pots at the door. But a word of caution: Forego any kind of cactus in your planters because they foreshadow pain within.

Try planting bushes and grasses out front, with seasonal color in pots at the door. But a word of caution: Forego any kind of cactus in your planters because they foreshadow pain within.

3. Exterior paint

Peeling paint indicates possible issues coming to light, so be sure to tackle any problem areas before an open house. Good feng shui depends on a house that’s in its best shape, so always keep up with small—but significant—maintenance tasks.

4. Lawn care

A pristine lawn that’s mown, with healthy plants and free of leaves and branches, shows you care about your home. But it also adheres to feng shui principles, with an unkempt lawn indicating that the home does not cultivate good energy.

5. Garage and driveway

You better believe that house hunters will peek inside your garage—and traverse your driveway to get there—so clean up these hot spots before it happens.

Remover clutter on your pathways so potential buyers won’t feel heavy, scattered and overwhelmed. And don’t leave garbage bins haphazardly sitting in your driveway, as your refuse has negative energy and can bring down your entire home’s qi. A good idea? Creating a trans can corral that will help you sell your home easier than if you just throw the bins in the garage. 

6. Exterior windows

Windows are the eyes of your house—and sparkling-clean ones are critical to feng shui curb appeal. According to experts, clean windows represent clear thinking and understanding, and dirty ones can make buyers wonder what else isn’t maintained. Dirt also doesn’t reflect light, and it’s light that attracts people.

7. Fixtures

Got a sticky door or wobbly hinges? These point to carelessness and may deter a buyer. Things that fall into disrepair indicate stagnant energy, and this pushes life away rather than bringing it in.

Also take note of rust around your home’s exterior, as rusty doorknobs point to a challenged career or difficult, untended relationships. A wise buyer may pick up on these vibes and move on to the next home.

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